Eric Fulmer


Joined 4/2015

Eric is one of the world’s foremost experts in Brand Content Production. He has been a pioneer in digital photography and digital asset workflow since the early 1990s, when he joined Fuji’s fledgling Digital Imaging Division. Later, Eric worked with many leading photography studios to improve their capture and image processing workflows. Prior to founding ShotFlow, he was part of the technology team at one of the world’s largest studio production companies, implementing technology solutions for leading apparel and retail brands.

Eric has six children ranging in age from adults to eight year-old twins, which keep him and his long-suffering wife Erika very busy (she not only endured 30+ years of ‘Eric & Erika’ comments, she has put up with her husband babbling to himself about nothing but studio process for a full decade). They live on a “hobby farm” in Georgia with sheep, cats, and dogs. He is a voracious reader and political junkie during his rare moments of spare time.